Canción adelanto del disco "We tell stories"
"Orangesaft" es una reversion de “Lemonade“ un simple publicado en el 2022.
Ahora junto a Paz Maiarú @pazmaiaru en violin buscamos darle nuevos aires a esta hermosa melodía
"I like to think that maybe one day you'll be an old man like me, talking to a younger man and explaining how you took life's sourest lemon and turned it into something resembling lemonade." — Dr. Nathan Katowski
Violin: Paz Maiarú
Bajo y shruti box: Hernán do Brito
Grabado en estudio Charlone, Avellaneda, Conurbano Bonaerense
Mezcla y produccion: Juan Orsini
Mastering: Juan Manuel Mazzitelli
Arte gráfico: Analia Acerenza
Red del artista
Bandcamp :
Spotify :